Monday, October 31, 2016

The Process

We are currently still in the process of building our scissor lift. We have now been informed of our new challenge that is due on November 19. We now have 2 minutes to try and throw as many starts over for 10 points each. Also we must hang on the pipe.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


We took apart our robot and are remaking the entire thing. We are hoping to make the base smaller and are simplifying the drive by using multi-directional wheels. We're hoping to save motor power so we can use it on the arm. Hopefully this set up will turn out better than the last and we'll be more ready for this next challenge.  

Monday, October 24, 2016

Round 2

Today we're moving on to the next challenge. We completed the last challenge, although not as well as we would have hoped, but we're cutting our losses and taking this time to prepare for the next challenge. We hope it'll pay off and we'll have enough time to get the robot ready enough to ace the next challenge.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Testing and Finishing

Today we are testing our robot on how it flips over stars to the other side. As we do this test it has to be under one minute within a certain amount of stars over to get our grade from Mr. Martin. We put our best effort into our robot and strive for the best.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Reinventing The Wheel "Metaphor"

Our end effector sucks.
We are reinventing the wheel... AGAIN!!!
It'll take us about another 4 months to finish. XD LOL 
We thank you for your patience with this developer issue
and we hope you continue to back our project on KickStarter.

Friday, October 14, 2016

SolidWorks & Motor Controllers

This is what our robot looks like on SolidWorks. For work today we took off two motor controllers out of the four. We also are going to need splitters to replace the motor controllers we took off. With these replacements our robot should move better and the motor controllers we took off will go to other groups that really need them.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Coding Help

We have started to work with Bristan to improve our robots design in return for coding his. The changes he has made look good so far but we will see how well they perform.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

End Effector

NOTE: Hurricane Matthew hit. School closed Thursday and Friday 10/6 and 10/7. 

Today we continued to work on our end effector. So far the end effector works, it's been tested. The only problem we have is that our launcher doesn't seem powerful enough to throw a star over the border. We will continue to work on this when we come back to school after this storm. If we come back...

Monday, October 3, 2016

Beginning to Build Our End Effector

Today we are working on the design of our end effector. We decided on a design that will work on the ends of our robot. We have also made our gear system faster for picking up and throwing objects. With our coding finished we should make more improvements to our robot to make it a bit better.